Millennials ‘Hack’ The Diamond Industry By Finding Cheaper Alternatives And It’s Brilliant

Revolutions rarely happen in the jewellery world. One of them is happening right now: people have learned how to make colourless diamonds! What will happen to us?

Revolutions rarely happen in the jewellery world. One of them is happening right now: people have learned how to make colourless diamonds! What will happen to us? It’s 2019, the FTC has finally dropped its demeaning term “synthetic” towards the environmentally friendly diamonds. And until recently, laboratories used to produce just technical diamonds (those used in X-rays, telescopes, microcircuits). Everything that we know about laboratory grown diamonds promises a jeweller revolution. After all, mass buyers of stones are not millionaires who have many irrational reasons to be picky. They are ordinary people who have been given the opportunity to propose with the engagement ring not with zirconium but with “the girl’s best friend.”  

 What does marketing have in store for you?

Today there are about twenty large companies producing laboratory created diamonds in the world. The promotion of this product is as creative as it gets. For example, what would you say about:

  • Environment-friendly diamond does not harm either the earth or the people.
  • Diamonds that are a ready-made heirloom of any size, color, and shape 
  • A precious stone made of a family-artifact, like your child’s first dropped tooth or a strand of a loved one’s hair. 
  • Or even a “memorial” stone, made from the ashes of the deceased pet 

Among the most interesting cases of the pure marketing approach to the existence of this new improved technologies is the story of a scientist from Novosibirsk, who created technology to enrich fancy colour diamonds. It should transform a nondescript technical pebble of brown color into a brilliant clear water sparkling and transparent stone. However, at the moment the technology just “paints” a brown culling into a spectacular blood-red color. May we remind the reader, that earth-born red diamonds are incredibly expensive and rare, so this new tech is a real miracle of science.  

 What is the real benefit of innovation?

Literally and figuratively, man-made diamonds are perfection itself. It is not only the hardest mineral on earth but also a heat conduction champion, which does not dissolve in acid. The stone can only be burned with a very high temperature, actually, evaporate with carbon dioxide. Stella McCartney is actively interested in the environment-friendly diamond industry because they’re “green,” and produced at the expense of renewable natural energy. Besides, the origin of such gemstones has zero questions. Meanwhile, in order to find one carat of an earth-born diamond, you need to dig up twenty tons of soil. For the rest of us, mortals, such a thing is an artifact; a technological breakthrough; a thing from the future. Millennials do not just like quinoa and tofu; they still do not like child labor and respect the power of science. Lab created diamonds is the end of the mines so your choice will be highly eco-friendly and conflict-free. This, in addition to the amazing fashion-setting, they always prefer the opportunity to save the planet. All non-mined diamonds are produced in a peaceful environment and the production technology of lab-grown diamonds is rapidly progressing. According to the latest diamond industry outlook by ABN AMRO, lab diamonds producers can offer now improved quality products, which are warmly welcome by the consumers. Better sustainability perception and price/quality ratio of lab-made diamonds, as well as their social consciousness, environmentally friendly production, and emotional values, stand for real benefits of innovation in one of the most conservative branch. 

When Plastic Surgeries Go Wrong

bad plastic surgery
Plastic surgeries have become increasingly more popular and accepted today than they used to in the past.

Whether the person who has gone through it is a celebrity, a relative of ours or a friend, we all know some people who have had some type of procedure to enhance their physical looks. But despite the innovations and the vast improvements in medical technology and its application in the field of plastic surgery, there are still risks and dangers that should never be ignored.

If you have plans to enhance your physical appearance, make sure to gather the information you need about the surgeon, the procedure itself, and the dangers and risks involved in it.
When we think of plastic surgeries, the thought of celebrities getting facelifts, liposuctions, nose and breast enhancements and butt implants.

We occasionally think about the blotched procedures on famous personalities like Michael Jackson, Scott “Carrot Top” Thompson, Tori Spelling and many more. They are just a few examples of how dangerous plastic surgeries can go.

There are multiple procedures, each offering its benefits, risks and possible complications. Some of them are more serious than others, and some turn into lifelong complications. Here is a list of procedures known to carry dire procedural risks:

Liposuction – While liposuction is a well-known procedure that removes localized fat deposits of the body, there are also some complications involved here. Some of the risks include blood clots, systemic infections, fat clogs in the lunch and perforations in the stomach wall.

Lipectomy (Body Lift) – This is a procedure that can be performed in the belly, thighs, buttocks, genitals, and breasts. Lipectomy is a procedure that improves the shape and tone of the tissues underneath the body’s skin and fat. Considering that patients are placed under general anesthesia for multiple hours, the risk of cardiovascular problems is higher compared to other procedures.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) – It is a procedure that removes the excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. The patients who usually go for this are the people who have just recently lost a lot of weight and wants to tighten their skin and enhances their appearance. Abdominoplasty has some risks as well, and these are scarring, bleeding, numbness, poor wound healing, and even tissue necrosis.

Facial Reconstruction Surgery – Similar to gluteal implants, the quality of the facial reconstruction also depends on the doctor. It is imperative that you find a skilled surgeon to carry this type of procedure if you want to lessen the risks that come along with it.

Majority of the patients who undergo this facial reconstruction are trauma victims that need reshaping and restructuring bones, particularly the jaw and skull. Jaw reconstruction has many critical blood vessels in the area which means the room for error is incredibly small.

Gluteal Injection (Butt Implants and Injections) – This procedure enhances the appearance of your glutes. While many people undergo butt implants, it requires different techniques and therefore relies heavily on how skilled your chosen surgeon is. Procedures range from body contouring, gluteal implant, and liposculpture – a surgical method that transfers fat using liposuction.

What do you do when something goes wrong?

Every patient hopes for the best result. But every person who went under the knife knows almost immediately when something is not right. Here are the steps to take when you think your plastic surgery has gone wrong.

Call your surgeon and set up an appointment right away. Be very honest about how you feel. Your surgeon will most likely check back your history and your post-surgical activities to see if any of these caused the complications. If your doctor has indeed confirmed a problem, try to keep an open mind and make sure you get offered a solution.

Be objective about your case. Do not let your anger, fear, and emotions interfere with your thinking as this will only stress you out even more. Start considering the course of action provided by your surgeon and go from there.

Always seek a second opinion. If there were no complications on the healing but you are still unsatisfied with the results, you may talk to your surgeon again for a second procedure. Some practitioners do not charge revision fees, but facility expenses and anesthetic payments will still be in place.

It is best to look for a second opinion about your case. This will help ease your doubts about another surgery and provide a different perspective about your previous surgeon. It is also the time to think about finding a doctor if it is appropriate to do so.

Contact the state medical board. If you feel that your surgeon has done something inappropriate, you may file a complaint with the state medical board. They will investigate your case, and when negligence is confirmed, the board will take action against the surgeon.

Consider Legal Action. Unfortunately, many patients resort to legal actions. Though it is a step you can consider, this should be your last option. Legal actions can be financially and emotionally draining and time-consuming. So exhaust all possible resolutions before you take this to court.

Every patient has to look into the probable risks involved before going ahead with plastic surgery. By doing so, necrosis, nerve damage and other adverse reactions caused by anesthesia can be prevented. Speak with your surgeon about all of these before setting up a date for the procedure.